en-Vernal/Spring Equinox Ceremony of Despacho this Saturday 20th 2021
March 20th is the Equinox when the sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of Spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern hemisphere.
Shamans and Medicine people, gather around the world to celebrate Light, Life honor the cycles. Welcoming Spring, praying for Harmony (ayni), Peace, Sustainability to all on this Earth and planet itself. From the far North to South , cross all the continents, Oceans , Andean Mountains to here in heart of Europe Bohemia, Ireland, ..we make a ritual to offer new intention and prayers to Pachamama to our selves, all sentient beings. We plant new seeds together. Bless the Seeds of Life this Spring to Grow strong.
As you know, many peopel feel anxious, frighten, being sick or passing, right now in this uncertain times, this ritual will help to quiet their hearts and know that they will be well, regardless of what happens!
I'm fully available to assist you, with Great Spirit and the Spirits Keepers of Light , Wisdom, Love, Earth, Stars, Apus(mountinas), Waters the whole Cosmos, to help you and all the weavers to anchor themselves safely and healthfully in the future, in the the great upheaval that is taking place right now. Guide them to ayni to own hearts, roots.
This despacho, brings us into harmonious relationship with Heaven and Earth, aligning the three worlds of the Ukupacha, Kaypacha, Hanqpacha (the lower, middle, and upper worlds) and the archetypical organizing principles of the Universe.
We will connect heart to heart, soul to soul, healer to healer, to heart of our Pachamama prepair new seeds for this new cycle, growth of our dreams.
More about despacho and booking ,what to prepare for the ceremony this Saturday visit link below .
Looking forward to meet you all with so much Love - Munay -Laskou.