Shamanic Energy Healing

Energy Healing is for you if you are...

...feeling lonely, keep searching out there for a source of connection

...feel tired and may know something is going on on the health level, physically, emotionally,
...struggle with low self-esteem, not feeling GOOD ENOUGH, LOVED, CONFIDENT have been a victim of emotional, physical abuse, maltreated in childhood
...feeling lost and unmotivated, difficulty getting out of bed
...repeating the same old story, reliving old patterns

...searching for your vocation in this Life, questioning your life path and gifts have own practice, feeling stuck or you are interested to learn new tools, which can support your health & happiness

Healing and transforming all the wounds will restore your perception and heart bringing more clarity, joy and as positivity arises, you will see your world with different eyes with more confidence, courage, light,  beauty, self-love and compassion for self and all.

By working together, you will regain your trust in life, feel safe, which will help you to open up and to heal the old programming, stories, wounds, illness, conditioning, beliefs. You learn to access the freedom and connection to your higher self and divine.

You will receive guidance and life long tools, with immediate positive results, after each session you will get to take with you also an assignment to learn how to utilise gist from your session, in your daily life. As you change your beliefs, you change your life.

Feeling GOOD ENOUGH, CONFIDENT and much MORE, respond to your Spirit call.

ONE to ONE Offerings

Rites of Passage

It's to honour all our life at this moment from conception till death...
We all have experience beginnings, endings and we can bring the ceremony to each of these moments.

To honour a gift from within...:)

Couples Ceremony



Find or strength the connection with your partner.

House Clearing 

Klikněte a můžete začít psát. Dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint.

Munay - Ki

Munay-ki means "the love energy" or "Be as Thou Art"
To help us to create a new understanding, a new and a different way of healing, living and dying.
