en-Celebration of the Imbolc St.Brigits Eve and Day 1st.February 2022
St.Brigit is very ancinet Goddess of healing, poetry, and smithcraft. She is a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth. She brings fertility to the land and its people and is closely connected to midwives and new-born babies. She is the Triple Goddess, but at Imbolc she is in her Maiden aspect. Her Luminous Light blesses all living sentient beings and pachama with her light, unconditional Love, protection, strength. She has been very much guardian of the Sacred wells, waters.
Im delighted to share with you about this Festival today, you may like to give it a go for the first time, Its similar to, celebrating Easter :) connect with Mother Nature, with Self, your inner and family home.
My little story :
Since I have moved to Ireland in 2001 I was blessed by her presence. She had welcome me with open arms and warmth, very much reflected in the Irish people, landscape. I visited, sat, made offerings in many Sacred wells around Ireland. Here is one picture I have found. I'm connecting with St.Brigitt at Sacred well near Liscannor, 2013. When I'm not in Ireland I make sure I'm by the water source and woods, making fire ceremony, on this day. Make my honoring ritual to Sacred waters to St.Brigit and all beautiful Souls. For me as Modern Medicne woman and healing energy guide, teacher of the healing art , it's part of my every day to live life in the Ritual, special on this heightened days. Its part of my Cloak.

There travels forth from the passages of History
A woman's voice that is heard across the plains,
That calls once more, for a people of new vision
To heal our wounds and green our Earth again,
To heal our wounds and green our Earth again.
She spreads her cloak 'cross the land and far beyond it,
A shadow cast on a people void of hope.
She speaks of Peace and the chains that weigh upon it
And there her light shall glimmer from the oak
And all that binds the people shall be broke.
So Light the Fire of God's desire
Within all hearts, let sorrows end.
So Light the Fire of God's desire
God's chosen one, Your Peace upon us send.
And wells now dry, shall issue forth with plenty
To flow upon the sad and parching earth,
To make a prayer from the hearts now tired and empty,
To call on her to bring about new birth,
To make anew the greening of the Earth.
So Light the Fire of God's desire
Within all hearts, let sorrows end.
So Light the Fire of God's desire
God's chosen one, Your Peace upon us send.
And we today need a prophet of new vision,
To lift the low - the forgotten child to heed,
To be the voice of the wounded and the weary,
To plant anew a fresh and peaceful seed
To dance the dance of God's own Blessed Bríd.
So Light the Fire of God's desire...
(compose by rev.Liam Lawton,jan 1993
St. Brigit Ritual
8 Ways to Celebrate

Have a beautiful day of Ritual. Enjoy creating one .
I would love to hear hows it for you. What you feel and think of it. What was your ritual?
Please feel free to leave a comment below or send me an e-mail at medicineoflight@gmail.com
1# On the Imbolc Eve, you are connecting with nature, animals, loves once, walk on Earth, honor her with prayers, songs, give gratitude for all you have in this life time, and all that our beautiful Mother Earth provides. Take care of human fellow also for animals, all the nature.
2# In the old tradition, people use to leave pice of clothing outside of the door or window,to be blessed by St.Brigit for protection, blessings of abundance, vibrant health. Definitely, I leave my coat out :)
3# On the Day of St.Brigit Imbolc, you can create an Altar, with white candle-Purity burst of new life, green vibrant health, red warmth, passion, abundance, white flowers, sometimes in Ireland already grow snowdrops, here in Czech we got a meter of snow, perfect pure crystal magic, a bowl of water, seeds, berries, in Ireland people make Brigit's cross.
4# The day is celebrated by lighting sacred fire, lantern, candles...Welcoming light to our souls, hearts, home, honoring St.Brigit her gifts. Welcoming the Sun. Express gratitude for warmth, and passion, health. Honoring all the Water Source.
5# Making Spring Cleans and clearing of what no longer you need and bring new fresh, brighter energy in. washing and also spiritual-energetic cleansing, smudging with sacred plants like sage or palo santo or other herbs. Take cleansing bath or dip in the river or lake, ocean.
6# Meditate or sit in stillness in nature or at home, ask for healing for self or you're loved one, and all the people. in the world, Mother Earth all her animals, plants...
7#Gather with family, friends,share yummy healthy cake and herbal teas, share joy, laughter, play, sing, dance. Visit someone who is alone right now. Call a friend.
8# Reach out with a helping hand and your generous heart , to places on the planet that need many of us to Help, where still children dying from hunger, thirts and war, where people have no shelter , enough food, and to plant more TREES.
Spirit Animals:
Swan- Purity, fertility, loyalty, dreaming, softnes, love,
Sheep - Lambing, Birt of new Lambs, Birth, New, Joy, Life
Serpent - kundalini energy, the vortex of mother Earth spinnin up after the long winter, awakening, shakti, creativit, inspiration, joy.
Sacred Trees:
Rowan - Protection, life, star connection.
Willow - Associated to Tripple Goddes, shapeshifter, help to connect release emotion, feminine, lunar cycle, flexibility, to deal with change, supports the cycle of life, assists with dreams, creativity, intuition.
May her flame reignite your hearts and her cloak brings loads of abundance, magic awakening, healing transformation, fertility, protection for this coming Spring to you and all beings....its the perfect Time to plant the New seeds of our becoming ...and let's keep our Pachamama/Mother Earth healthy with nice organic growing, Let's open our heart to radiant light and solidarity one for another.

With much Graitude in my heart I bove to you St.Brigit and the Sacred waters.
Liscannor, Ireland 2013