Working with the Rainbow Star medicine wheel, with Miska Chaska personal Face to Face mentoring, each initiate into the Modern Mystic School of Shamanism will journey sacredly through the directions, under and outer- worlds, and experience their own deep healing through the wheel over a period of to 1 - 2 years.
By the end of their journey, as a mystic Shaman you will be clear and ready to perform rituals, ceremony and healing in your own life and for others.
You will sacredly collect KUYAS and prepared your Medicine MESA, along with all the initiations needed to fully integrate the power and mastery of what it is to be a truly modern mystical shaman.You will receive sacred Rites and Initiations. We are linking together the Ancient traditions knowledge and wisdom of the one who came before us, with modern skills of neuroscience, quantum energy healing, communicating with Mother NATURE ,your Luminous guides, the Spirit world and beyond the Stars. In the closing ceremony you will also receive New Gifts for your way home and 300hr Certification Energy Healing Shamanic Practitioner.
Shamanic knowledge has been pass on and kept in reverence to continue our ancestors work, as individuals and collective. Shaman / Medicine Women/Man/Vegetalista/Driude/Huna etc.are deeply interconnected to the plant medicine world, to the crystal world, and to all the other worlds, cosmos, pacha mama.
Amazonian & Andean, Universal Luminous Way of the Shaman-ess
Miska Chaska, Medicine Woman, Modern Mystic Shaman-ess, and Founder of ML., is here to assist with personal healing, teach you, and pass on beautiful tools, sacred wisdom, energy transitions, and holograms, of the ancient ones, luminous ones.
Miska has studied and followed the path of the Shaman and Medicine Woman since childhood, Staring in the Slovakian & Czech mountains with the wise ones of her culture, she has studied and lived with the Shamans of Peru and brought her deep understanding of medicine, plant healing, ceremonies and energies, and has worked globally initiating others to this blessed calling.
There is a collective calling to restore our true nature, connect back to our roots, elevate our spirits heal our hearts... As spiritual human beings we are called to our true awakening to the balance - Ayni- become the Luminous once. Over thousands of years, ancient cultures have been using their knowledge wisdom, and ceremonies to restore, and harmonized their community, with deep interconnection to their environment, land, and mother nature.
To be a Shaman - ess is a path of deep Honouring, Commitment & Re-remembering.
The Modern Mystic Shamanic School is for those who feel that deep calling in their soul and know this tradition is the way for them. As our shamanic heritage is fading, it is more important now than ever to keep the knowledge and energies of the wisdom keepers alive and adjusted to our modern environment. This is what you will learn to do and BE in every area of your life. Shamanism is not a practice, it is a vocation and way of life.
From drumming, singing, ceremony, honouring the earth and moon cycles, our ancestors, our waters, animals, and landscapes. From preparing herbal tinctures and preparation, healing art and movement, learning the sacred rites and rituals, energy healings, cacao ceremony, and more... you will be encouraged to find YOUR way of being a unique medicine woman or man during your year-long commitment.
I am honoured to be showing you the way home, to yourself and your true power to illuminate all in this world.
Would you like to step into your true potential as a Healer, Earth keeper, Retrieve your Origins... now this is your chance to do so. You have the possibility this life to Become a Medicine woman, man...Shaman of this Age...Assistant/Guide to many on this path of Awakening !!
This profound energy medicine training journey begins soon.
End of OCTOBER 2024.
Istria Croatia by the beautiful Sea!
max 12 participants
min 4 participants
Join in Today to Find out more about the Full Aprentice and Price Personal Investment
and secure your place SUBMIT FORM BELOW:
Book your appointment with your Mentor Miska Chaska here to find out how you can take part in this Medicine Wheel Apprentice/Energy healing training now and how you can experience the potential of this energetic healing tools with the help of this MW teachings.
The first step is to GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER and to See how this Incredible profound Apprentice training can enrich your life today !
If anyone may be able to do this training with Miska Chaska I could not recommend it more. I had the great honor of studying the south direction with her 2018, and it was hands down the most transformative experience of my life. We worked with deep personal wounds, ancestral patterns and lineages, released and healed great things. I was able to come fully into my body like never before and ultimately my entire life changed after this experience. I met my partner and had my beautiful angel baby! I often view my life in terms of before and after this training. All I can say join Miska Chaska !!!
- Marcela S.